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The Hold Steady, A Narrative

Once upon a time there was a group of men. But they didn’t call themselves a group of men per say. They called themselves a band. A band named The Hold Steady to be exact.

This band liked to tell stories, but they didn’t actually start with once upon a time because that is so not rock and roll, you know?

No, they told stories through melodious narratives about the harder things in life and put them all in one place and that one place happened to be a few really acclaimed CDs that got them ranked in Rolling Stone’s top 10 best albums of 2006.

The band made five CDs and a documentary. They did all sorts of cool things like performing at Lollapalooza and being the first rock band featured The Village Voice in 15 years. They even made a song for Game of Thrones because thrones made of swords and beheadings are rock and roll too.

And one day, after a long time had passed, the band decided that it was time to tell more stories.

Those stories would be told to everyone on March 25th, on their new album Teeth Dreams featuring their latest single, Spinners.

But sometimes, recordings of stories aren’t enough. Sometimes, you have to live them to make them feel real.

 So the band decided that a month and a day (that would be April 26th folks) after they told the new stories, they would do something special. They would tell the stories live to the wonderful people at The Blue Note with the help of their friends Deer Tick, a half alternative/half Nirvana cover band that have been playing since 2004.

 With the help of their good friends, who picked their name because of a bad bug incident in the woods, they were ready to announce their new show and to share their stories with the people of Columbia.

The End.

 And the moral of the story, children, is that if you want to hear some deep, rock, lyrical wonderment accompanied by folk and indie (sorry, Deer Tick is strictly anti-country) , get yourselves to The Blue Note on April 26. Let’s be real. You don’t have any other plans.

This post was written by Natalie Maggiore, a contributing writer for The Blue Note